Bastian, M., Flatø, E.H., Baraitser, L., Jordheim, H., Salisbury, L. & van Dooren, T. (2022) ‘What about the coffee break?’ Designing virtual conference spaces for conviviality. Geo: Geography and Environment, 9, e00114. Available from:
Bastian, M., & Bayliss Hawitt, R. (2022). Multi-species, ecological and climate change temporalities: Opening a dialogue with phenology. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 0(0).
Pschetz, L., Bastian, M., Bowler, R. (2022) Revealing social infrastructures of time. In Knox, H, John, G Speaking for the Social: A Catalogue of Methods Punctum Books. Accepted Version.
Bastian, M. (2020) "Whale falls, suspended ground and extinctions never known" Environmental Humanities 12 (2): 454–474. Published Version.
Bastian, M. (2019) "Retelling time in grassroots sustainable economy movements" GeoHumanities. 5 (1): 36-53. Published Version | Accepted Version
Bastian, M. (2018). “Philosophy disturbed: reflections on field and philosophy” Parallax 24 (3): 449-465. Published Version.
Pschetz, L., Bastian, M. (2018) “Temporal Design: Rethinking time in design” Design Studies 56 (May): 169-184. Published Version.
Bastian, M. (2017). "Liberating Clocks: Exploring other possible futures" in Elisa Felicitas Arias, Ludwig Combrinck, Pavel Gabor, Catherine Hohenkerk, P. Kenneth Seidelmann (eds.) Proceedings of the Science of Time Conference. Springer, (Space Science and Astrophysics Proceedings) 369-378. Accepted Version.
Bastian, M. (2017) “Liberating Clocks: Developing a critical horology to rethink the potential of clock time” new formations: a journal of culture/theory/politics, 92, 41-55. Published Version. Accepted Version.
Bastian, M. (2017) “Encountering Leatherbacks in Multispecies Knots of Time” in Deborah Rose, Thom van Dooren and Matthew Chrulew (eds.) Extinction Studies: Stories of Time, Death and Generations. Columbia University Press: New York. Accepted Version.
Bastian, M. van Dooren, T. (2017) "The new immortals: Immortality and infinitude in the Anthropocene" Journal of Environmental Philosophy. 14(1). Published Version.
Bastian, M. (2016) "Towards a more-than-human participatory research" in Bastian, M., Jones, O., Roe, E. and Moore, N. (eds.) Participatory Research in More-than-human Worlds. Routledge: London. Accepted Version.
Bastian, M., Jones, O. Moore, N. Roe, E. (2016) "Introduction: More-than-human participatory research: Contexts, challenges, possibilities" In Bastian, M., Jones, O., Roe, E. and Moore, N. (eds.) Participatory Research in More-than-human Worlds. Routledge: London. pp 1-15. Accepted Version.
Pschetz, L., Bastian, M., Speed, C. (2016). Temporal design: looking at time as social coordination. Proceedings of DRS 2016, Design Research Society 50th Anniversary Conference. Brighton, UK, 27–30 June 2016. Published Version
Buchanan, A. & M. Bastian (2015) "Activating the Archive: rethinking the role of traditional archives for local activist projects" Archival Science. 15: 4, 429–451. Published Version. Accepted Version.
Bastian, M. (2014) "Refashioning Time: On the cultural and social mediations of temporal infrastructures" Vestoj: The Journal of Sartorial Matters 5 (Autumn) 13-18. Published version
Bastian, M. (2014) "Time" in Anderson, B. and Keith, M. (ed) Migration: The COMPAS Anthology COMPAS: Oxford. Published Version
Bastian, M. (2013) “Political apologies and the question of a ‘shared time’ in the Australian context” Theory, Culture & Society. 30:5 94-121. Accepted Version, Published Version
Bastian, M. (2013) “Finding Time for Philosophy” in Jenkins, F. and Hutchison K. (eds) Women in Philosophy: What needs to Change? Oxford University Press: Oxford 215-230. Published version
Bastian, M. (2012) “Fatally Confused: Telling the time in the midst of ecological crises” (Special Issue on Temporal Environments: Rethinking Time and Ecology) Journal of Environmental Philosophy. 9(1), 23-48. Published version.
Bastian, M. (2011) “The contradictory simultaneity of being with others: Exploring concepts of time and community in the work of Gloria Anzaldúa” Feminist Review. 97, 151–167. Published version
Bastian, M. (2009) “Inventing Nature: Re-writing Time and Agency in a More-than-Human World” Australian Humanities Review: Ecological Humanities Corner, 47 (Nov) 99-116. Published version
Bastian, M. (2006) “Haraway’s Lost Cyborg and the Possibilities of Transversalism” Signs: a Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 43(3), 1027-1049. Published version
Edited Collections
Buchanan, B., M. Chrulew, M. Bastian (eds.) (2021) Field Philosophy and Other Experiments. Routledge: London. A re-publication of our journal special issue in book form.
Bastian, M., L. Baraitser, MJ Flexer, A Hom, L Salisbury (2020) "Special Issue: The Social Life of Time" Time & Society 29 (2).
Buchanan, B., M. Chrulew, M. Bastian (eds.) (2018) “Special Issue: Field Philosophy and Other Experiments” Parallax 24 (3).
Ginn, F., D. Farrier, M. Bastian, J. Kidwell (eds.) (2018) “Special Issue: Unexpected Encounters with Deep Time”, Environmental Humanities 10 (1).
Bastian, M. & T. van Dooren (eds.) (2017) “Special Issue: Immortality and Infinitude in the Anthropocene” Journal of Environmental Philosophy, 14 (1).
Bastian, M., O. Jones, N. Moore, E. Roe (eds.) (2016) Participatory Research in More-than-Human Worlds Routledge: London. 214pp.