Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (ESALA) Edinburgh College of Art, University of Edinburgh [email protected]
Associate Professor II in Environmental Humanities
Oslo School of Environmental Humanities Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas (IFIKK) University of Oslo [email protected]
EDUCATION 2006-2009 Doctor of Philosophy, School of History and Philosophy, University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia. Thesis: Communities Out of Joint: An Examination of the Role of Temporality In Rethinking Community
1998-2002Bachelor of Arts (First Class Honours), Gender, Sexuality and Culture, School of Humanities, ANU, Canberra, Australia Thesis: Haraway's Missing Cyborg
Buchanan, B., M. Chrulew, M. Bastian (eds.) (2021) Field Philosophy and Other Experiments. Routledge: London. A re-publication of our journal special issue in book form.
Bastian, M., L. Baraitser, M. Flexer, A. Hom, L. Salisbury, (2020) "Special Issue: The Social Life of Time" Time & Society 29(2).
Buchanan, B., M. Chrulew, M. Bastian (eds.) (2018) “Special Issue: Field Philosophy and Other Experiments” Parallax 24 (3).
Ginn, F., D. Farrier, M. Bastian, J. Kidwell (eds.) (2018) “Special Issue: Unexpected Encounters with Deep Time”, Environmental Humanities 10 (1).
Bastian, M. and van Dooren, T. (eds.) (2017) Immortality and Infinitude in the Anthropocene. Special issue of Environmental Philosophy.
Bastian, M., Jones, O., Roe, E. and Moore, N. (eds.) (2016) Participatory research in more-than-human worlds. Routledge: London.
Bastian, M., Flatø, E.H., Baraitser, L., Jordheim, H., Salisbury, L. & van Dooren, T. (2022) ‘What about the coffee break?’ Designing virtual conference spaces for conviviality. Geo: Geography and Environment, 9, e00114.
Bastian, M., & Bayliss Hawitt, R. (2022). Multi-species, ecological and climate change temporalities: Opening a dialogue with phenology. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 0(0).
Bastian, M. (2022). Time (The New Basics). The Philosopher, 110(2), 51-54.
Bastian, M. (2020) "Whale falls, suspended ground and extinctions never known" Environmental Humanities, 12 (2): 454–474.
Bastian, M. (2019) "Retelling time in grassroots sustainable economy movements" GeoHumanities. 5 (1): 36-53.
Bastian, M. (2018). “Philosophy disturbed: reflections on field and philosophy” Parallax 24 (3): 449-465.
Pschetz, L., Bastian, M. (2018) “Temporal Design: Rethinking time in design” Design Studies 56 (May): 169-184.
Bastian, M. (2017). "Liberating Clocks: Exploring other possible futures" in Elisa Felicitas Arias, Ludwig Combrinck, Pavel Gabor, Catherine Hohenkerk, P. Kenneth Seidelmann (eds.) Proceedings of the Science of Time Conference. Springer, (Space Science and Astrophysics Proceedings) 369-378.
Bastian, M. (2017) “Liberating Clocks: Developing a critical horology to rethink the potential of clock time” new formations: a journal of culture/theory/politics, 92, 41-55.
Bastian, M. van Dooren, T. (2017) "The new immortals: Immortality and infinitude in the Anthropocene" Journal of Environmental Philosophy. 14(1). Published Version.
Pschetz, L., Bastian, M., Speed, C. (2016). Temporal design: looking at time as social coordination. Proceedings of DRS 2016, Design Research Society 50th Anniversary Conference. Brighton, UK, 27–30 June 2016.
Buchanan, A. & M. Bastian (2015) "Activating the Archive: rethinking the role of traditional archives for local activist projects" Archival Science. Early View.
Bastian, M. (2014) "Time and Community: A Scoping Study" Time and Society. 23 (2): 137-166.
Bastian, M. (2013) “Political apologies and the question of a ‘shared time’ in the Australian context” Theory, Culture & Society. 30:5 94-121.
Bastian, M. (2012) “Fatally Confused: Telling the time in the midst of ecological crises” (Special Issue on Temporal Environments: Rethinking Time and Ecology) Journal of Environmental Philosophy. 9(1), 23-48.
Bastian, M. (2011) “The contradictory simultaneity of being with others: Exploring concepts of time and community in the work of Gloria Anzaldúa” Feminist Review. 97, 151–167.
Bastian, M. (2009) “Inventing Nature: Re-writing Time and Agency in a More-than-Human World” Australian Humanities Review: Ecological Humanities Corner, 47 (Nov) 99-116.
Bastian, M. (2006) “Haraway’s Lost Cyborg and the Possibilities of Transversalism” Signs: a Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 43(3), 1027-1049.
Pschetz, L., Bastian, M., Bowler, R. (2022) Revealing social infrastructures of time. In Knox, H, John, G Speaking for the Social: A Catalogue of Methods Punctum Books.
Bastian, M. (2017) “Encountering Leatherbacks in Multispecies Knots of Time” in Deborah Rose, Thom van Dooren and Matthew Chrulew (eds.) Extinction Studies: Stories of Time, Death and Generations. Columbia University Press: New York.
Bastian, M. (2017) "Towards a more-than-human participatory research" in Bastian, M., Jones, O., Roe, E. and Moore, N. (eds.) Participation in More-than-human Worlds. Routledge: London.
Bastian, M. (2014) "Time" in Anderson, B. and Keith, M. (ed) Migration: The COMPAS Anthology COMPAS: Oxford.
Bastian, M. (2013) “Finding Time for Philosophy” in Jenkins, F. and Hutchison K. (ed) Women in Philosophy: What needs to Change? Oxford University Press: Oxford 215-230.
Bastian, M. (2011) “A Review of Edwina Barvosa’s Wealth of Selves: Multiple Identities, Mestiza Consciousness and the Subject of Politics” Feminist Review. 99, e13-e15.
Bastian, M. (2011) “Communities of time-keeping in pre-industrial England and Wales: A Review of Shaping the Day: A History of Timekeeping in England and Wales 1300-1800 by Paul Glennie and Nigel Thrift” Time and Society, 20(1), 141-144.
2019 “Whale Falls and Extinctions Never Known” Animal Remains.Biennial Conference of The University of Sheffield Animal Studies Research Centre (ShARC), Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield, April 29-30th
2017 “Liberating clocks” Synchronizing the World. Globalization and Multiple Times, University of Oslo, 12-14 June.
2016 “Clock-time as regulatory ideal and possibilities for its rematerialisation” The New Legal Temporalities? Discipline and Resistance across Domains of Time, University of Kent, 8-10 September.
2016 “Transforming Community, Transforming Time” 3rd International Conference on Time Perspective, Copenhagen, Denmark. 15-19 August.
2015 “Liberating Clocks” 100 Years from Now Symposium. Den Haag, The Netherlands. 5 September
2017 “What’s a philosopher like you doing here?” Field Philosophy and other experiments, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France, 22-24 June.
2017, “Sustainability, Time, Expectations: exploring the time of sustainable economies” Invited speaker for "Anticipating Futures in a Complex World" seminar series, University of Leeds, 7th June.
2017 “Deep sea enchantments” Deep time and the waters of the Baltic Sea, University of Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden, 10 May.
2017, Invited speaker, Social Life of Methods Lab meeting, Birkbeck University, 5th May.
2017, Invited speaker and chair, Material Loss conference, Birmingham University, 18th February.
2016 “More-than-human participation”, Speculative Ethology: The History, Philosophy and Future of Ethology conference, III. Murdoch University, Perth, Australia, 1-3 December.
2016 “More-than-human participatory research”, ESRD Seminars, University of Reading, 27th October.
2016 Invited speaker, The Chronic: Temporality, Care and Health Research Symposium, Birkbeck, London, 17th March.
2016 “Sustaining Time: exploring the time of sustainable economies” Bristol Human Geography Seminar series, University of Bristol, 15th March.
2015 Invited speaker, Loss, Recovery, Reclamation: Re-thinking the Modern World, University of Birmingham, 18th September.
2015 Invited speaker, ‘Infrastructures of Social Change’ CRESC seminar, Quaker Meeting House, London, 22nd June.
2015 "Transforming Economies, Transforming Time" Department of Geography and Sustainable Communities Seminar Series, 1 April 2015.
2015 "Multispecies Methods: Participatory Research and the more-than-human" UNSW Environmental Humanities Seminar Series, 31 March 2015.
2015 "Multispecies Methods: Participatory Research and the more-than-human" Melbourne Graduate School of Education Seminar Series, 24 March 2015.
2014 "Emancipating clocks: rethinking the transformative potential of clock-time" Department of Geography Seminar Series, University of Leicester, 30 October 2014.
2014 "Activist objects in Mr Seel's Garden", Curating the Activist Object, May Day Rooms, London, 7-8 July 2014.
2014 Invited Discussant. Workshop on Time and Waiting, University of Glasgow, 18 June 2014.
2014 "More-than-human participatory research," International Workshop on Participatory Democracy's Non-Human and Non-Living "Others", New York Open Center, 2 May 2014.
2014 Invited Discussant, Diverse Alternatives: living, working and playing differently in the capitalist mainstream. University of Leicester. 13 March 2014
2013 Invited Discussant, Stone, Sand, Plants: a Day on Knowing Materials, CRESC, Open University, 28 June 2013
2013 "In Time and Out of Time: the role of temporality in social inclusion and exclusion", COMPAS Research Seminar, Centre on Migration Policy and Society, University of Oxford, 30 May 2013.
2013 "Duration and Seriality in Philosophy" (Re)Conceptualising the object of QLR workshop, University of Manchester, 18 March 2013.
2013 “Invited response to commissioned scoping study on Time and Migration” Migration Temporalities workshop, Centre on Migration Policy and Society, University of Oxford, 29 June 2012.
2012 “Fatally Confused: Telling the time in the midst of ecological crises” ESALA Research Seminar, University of Edinburgh, 30th March 2012
2011 “Sustainable Identities” ESRC Seminar Series - Sustainability Transitions: Identities in Transition, University of Leicester, 14 October 2011
2011 “Temporal Belongings: Developing a research framework for time and community”. AHRC funded workshop - Examining the Shared Life: Social Unity, Civic Health and Cultural Diversity, University of Leeds, 7-8 July 2011
2011 “Feminism, Time and Community” Resistance/Resilience/Reworking: Reflections on Feminism and Futurity, School of Geographical Sciences, Bristol University, Bristol, 30 June -1 July 2011. (Part of the ESRC funded Feminism and Futurity Seminar Series, organised by Wendy Larner, Maria Fannin, Julie MacLeavy and Wenfei Winnie Wang).
2010 “The Timing of an Apology: Re-shaping community through re-articulations of time”. The Critical Cultures Seminar, University of Nottingham, 10 March 2010.
2009 “Rethinking Community, Rethinking Time” The Centre for Women’s and Gender Studies Lecture Series, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 11th March 2009.
The Material Life of Time: The Second Temporal Belongings Internationl Conference, online, 15-17 March.
The Social Life of Time: The First Temporal Belongings International Conference, University of Edinburgh, 5-7th July.
Field Philosophy and other experiments, École normale supérieure, Paris, 23-24th June. Co-organised with Brett Buchanan and Matthew Chrulew.
Deep Time, Deep Waters, University of Edinburgh, 12-13th June.
Time and Music: An Edinburgh Time Network Seminar, Uni of Edinburgh, 29th January.
Unexpected Encounters with Deep Time: Enchantment, University of Edinburgh, 26th November.
Temporal Design: Surfacing Everyday Tactics of Time, Uni of Edinburgh, 28th September. Co-organised with Larissa Pschetz and Chris Speed
Collaborating in the Environmental Humanities, University of Edinburgh, 16 June.
Im/mortality and In/finitude in the Anthropocene: Perspectives from the Environmental Humanities, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, 2-4 December 2014. Co-organised with Thom van Dooran.
Time and Architecture: An Edinburgh Time Network Seminar, Uni of Edinburgh 25th November
Co-production of knowledge with non-humans: plants, animals, materialities - spaces and places Series of four panels at the RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2014 Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) and Imperial College London, 26-29 August 2014. Co-organised with Owain Jones, Emma Roe & Michael Buser.
Temporal Conflicts: the impact of time on working with communities, University of Manchester, 17th October 2012. Details available here: http://www.temporalbelongings.org/temporal-conflicts.htmlCo-organised with Alison Gilchrist.
Researching Transition: bringing together academics and activists interested in researching the Transition Movement, University of Manchester, 28th November 2011. Details available here: http://www.transitionresearchnetwork.org/2011.html Co-organised with Tom Henfrey.
Promising temporalities: exploring the time of socio-cultural change, University of Manchester, 21st October 2011. A CRESC workshop Drawing on CRESC’s general scepticism over epochal accounts of social change, linear accounts of causality and the passivity of methods, this one day workshop will bring together CRESC researchers to explore the understandings of temporality that are being utilised in our study of changing worlds.
Transitioning Cities and the Time it Takes. A conference panel at the 2011 Framing the City: CRESC Annual Conference, which brings together researchers currently involved in urban transition initiatives in order to discuss the kinds of temporalities involved in seeking to transform increasingly complex places. Participants include myself, Peter North and Justin Kenrick
Community Connectivities/Temporal Belongings: An interdisciplinary residential workshop, University of Manchester, 20-21 June 2011. Funded by the AHRC, this workshop brought together international academic speakers, local researchers and third sector representatives to contribute to the development of a framework for research on community and time. Outputs of the workshop are available at www.temporalbelongings.org
Connected Communities Award Holders Meeting, University of Manchester, 31 May 2011. The UK Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) is leading the development of a new cross-Research Council research programme on Connected Communities in partnership with the EPSRC, ESRC, MRC and NERC. CRESC hosted the first networking meeting for award holders. The event was also supported by the National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM).
2022-to date Associate Professor II, Oslo School of Environmental Humanities, IFIKK, University of Oslo.
2019-to date Senior Lecturer in Environmental Humanities, Edinburgh College of Art, University of Edinburgh
2013 - 2019 Chancellor's Fellow ESALA, Edinburgh College of Art, University of Edinburgh
2013-2014 Principal Investigator In Conversation with...: Co-designing with more-than-human communities an AHRC Connected Communities Follow-on Project. Funded by the AHRC (AH/K006517/1): GBP 39,983.60 Project Page
2013-2014 Principal Investigator Making Time: exploring the emergent times of alternative economies an AHRC Care for the Future Exploratory Project. Funded by the AHRC (AH/K005553/1): GBP 29,833.89 Project Page
2013-2014 Co-Investigator Ways of Knowing: Exploring the different registers, values and subjectivities of collaborative research an AHRC Connected Communities Follow-on Project. Funded by the AHRC (AH/K006568/1): GBP 43,579.31 Project Page
2012-2013 Principal Investigator Memories of Mr Seel’s Garden: Past and Future Food Systems in Liverpool an AHRC Connected Communities Pilot Demonstrator Project. Funded by the AHRC (AH/J006629/1): GBP 99,993.84 Project Page
2012-2013 Co-Investigator The Time of the Clock and the Time of Encounter: Pathfinders to Connection an AHRC Connected Communities Pilot Demonstrator Project. Funded by the AHRC (AH/J006637/1): GBP 99,973.60 Project page
2011 Principal Investigator Temporal Connectivities: A scoping study of the research available on time and community An AHRC Connected Communities funded Scoping Study. Funded by the AHRC (AH/J501391/1): GBP 32,339 Project page
2010-2013 Research Associate Centre for Research in Socio-Cultural Change (CRESC), University of Manchester
2010 Research Assistant National Centre for Research Methods, School of Social Sciences, University of Southampton
2009 Visiting Scholar Centre for Women’s and Gender Studies, University of British Columbia
2007 Research Assistant Continental Approaches to Problems in Bioethics, Philosophy Department, University of New South Wales
2012 - 2014 Invited Core Research Network Member ‘Austerity futures: imagining and materialising the future in “an age of austerity”’ An ESRC Research Seminar Series running from November 2012 to June 2014
2005-08 Australian Postgraduate Award, UNSW: AUD 68,848
2005-07 Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Scholarship, UNSW: AUD 15,000
2005 Inter-state Scholarship, UNSW: AUD 3,000
2002 Nominated for the University Medal, ANU
2002 Chancellor’s Letter of Commendation, ANU
2002 ANU Honours Scholarship, ANU: AUD 4,000
2000 Travel Bursary (International Exchange Program), ANU: AUD 500
2019 - to date Editor in Chief Time & Society Sage Publications.
2009 - to date Referee for a range of publications including: Feminist Review; Emotion, Space and Society; Environmental Humanities; Globalizations; Hypatia: a journal of feminist philosophy; Australian Humanities Review: Ecological Humanities Corner; Antipode: A radical journal of geography; Stanford University Press
2011 - 2014 Executive Committee Member Society for Women in Philosophy
2014 - to date Member of the ESALA Research Committee
2017 Plenary Speaker What if we could remake time? with panel discussion and Q&A Lightnight, Liverpool. 17th May.
2015 Invited speaker at Volkspaleis 2015: Symposium '100 years from now' The Hague, Netherlands. 5th September.
2014 Invited attendee at Tipping Point Conference, 20th Sept.
2014 Invited facilitator for public workshop on Real Coproduction? Cardiff, 1st July.
2014 Radio interview on Paperweight Radio on More-than-human participatory research, 24 June.
2013 Mr Seel's App Launch Event to promote the Memories of Mr Seel's Garden Project at Liverpool's Light Night, 17 May.
2013 Organiser Poster session for ‘Memories of Mr Seel’s Garden Connected Communities Showcase, London, UK, 12th March.
2013 Final exhibition for the Mr Seel's Garden Project at the Bluecoat Gallery, 27 January.
2012 Interviewed by Seven Streets for the Mr Seel's Garden Project. Article here
2012 Radio interview on BBC Merseyside for Memories of Mr Seel’s Garden
2012 Information table on the Memories of Mr Seel’s Garden project at the Hope Street Feast, Liverpool, 16th September
2012 “Transition and Research”, A workshop at the Transition Network Conference, Battersea Arts Centre, London, 15th September
2012 Information table on the Memories of Mr Seel’s Garden project at the BBC Merseyside Big History Weekend, St George’s Hall, 8-9 September
2012 Invited panellist at Public Debate: Growing Connections: How do we build a sustainable food system for Bristol’s communities? Participant in Bristol Festival of Nature, Bristol, 17th June
2012 Invited speaker at Eating in the Archives, organised by the Liverpool University Centre for Archive Studies, Croxteth Hall, Liverpool, 19th May
2012 Interim project exhibition for Memories of Mr Seel’s Garden, Light Night, Bluecoat Gallery, Liverpool,18th May
2012 Interviewed by Bay TV Liverpool for the Memories of Mr Seel's Garden project, 27 March. View here
2011 Organised and facilitated Feeding Liverpool in a world in energy crises: A Transition Liverpool Symposium, Quaker Meeting House, Liverpool, 8th October.
2017 to date Time, Place, Belonging: Understanding time in society: ESALA, Edinburgh College of Art
2015 to date Topics in Environmental Humanities: ESALA, Edinburgh College of Art
2014 to date Architectural Theory: ESALA, Edinburgh College of Art
2019 Erasmus Teaching Exchange, AR1MIL2 Human Footprints, PhD Seminar for the Environmental Humanities Programme, University of Stockholm.
2016 Guest Lecture, Experimental Geographical Methods: Practising Post-humanism in Social Research, University of Bristol.
2014 Guest Lecture GY3154 Contemporary Environmental Challenges, University of Leicester
2013 Guest Seminar Leader, Timing Transformations Winter School, Graduate School of the Humanities, Bern University, Switzerland.
2009 Guest Lecture Cultural Theory, Culture, Mind and Modernity, St Helens College/LJMU
2007 Minds, Bodies, Persons: School of Philosophy, UNSW
2006 Introduction to European Philosophy: School of Philosophy, UNSW
2005 Critical Thinking and Practical Reasoning: School of Philosophy, UNSW
2006-07 Peer Writing Assistant, The Learning Centre, UNSW
2014 Flipped Pedagogies and Peer Instruction
2014 Learn: Managing students, assignments and grades
2014 Supervising Researchers, University of Edinburgh
2013 ECA Postgraduate Research Student Supervisor Training Session
2011 NCRM Collaborative Methods workshop
2009 Pedagogy Workshop on Effective Classroom Assessments. Centre for Gender and Women's Studies, UBC
2006-2007 Peer Writing Assistant Workshops, The Learning Centre, UNSW
2005 Sessional Teaching Workshop Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, UNSW